In January, 2012,I launched a new column for Two’s News and simultaneously this accompanying blog. The title says it all:
“Tools, Toys and Technology.”
Here I write about tools you can use or toys that make life more interesting. Whether tools or toys, everything will in some way relate to today’s rapidly changing technology. I hope the monthly articles will be as fun for you to read as I’m sure they are going to be for me to write.
Where We’ve Been
The initial articles on Tools, Toys & Technology (TTT) documented a series of alternatives to paying those high-priced cable or satellite bills to bring television and movies into your home. These articles reviewed:
- Netflix (which you probably know, but I may have a few surprises for you)
- Amazon Prime (a serious competitor to Netflix)
- Other free or near-free services
- Internet and Hardware requirements
You can read this initial series and the related posts that have followed here.
That series was followed by a discussion of tablets, the introduction of Microsoft Surface, password security, and the “cloud.” Finally, the long anticipated (or dreaded, depending on your point of view) release of Windows 8 topped off the year. See TTT Anniversary article for a review of our first year.
Where We’re Going
I am pleased to announce a new primary contributor to TTT, Dennis Korger, and his Computer Curmudgeon column. Dennis has extensive experience, having been involved in computers since the Commodore 64 was the hot new thing (that’s 1982 folks!). He’s my “go to” guy whenever things get really technical.
Dennis has been writing his Computer Curmudgeon series since September, 2009. The first few Curmudgeon articles on TTT will be historical, as he posts some of his existing musings from past publications. While these articles my not deal with current issues, they are a revealing look back as we read them in the context of current technology. After he’s favored our pages with his archives, Dennis will be sharing more current news with us.
Further down the road, both Dennis and I will keep you up to date on the latest in electronic goodies and computer-related topics. I’ll be doing more articles on the cloud and computer security in the near future. Longer term, I’m not totally sure where we’re headed, but things are happening so fast in this area, that I’m sure we’ll have no problem coming up with topics that will interest you.
I hope you enjoy Tools, Toys and Technology.