I first heard of this some time ago. I thought this was ancient history, but today I actually got “the phone call.” The caller asks for me by name…
I’m calling from Windows Service Center.
… he says with a strong Indian accent.
We’ve had a report that your computer has serious virus problems.
He proceeds to instruct me to look at my keyboard and navigate my computer. The goal: to have me hand over remote control of my computer to “fix” the problem.
I told him to … Well, never mind what I told him.
No legitimate company will cold call you and offer to “fix” your computer right then and there. NEVER allow someone who you don’t know, through a phone call you did not initiate, to take over control of your computer. It may be hard to imagine that criminals — and that’s exactly what they are — could be so brazen to actually call you up and install nasty malware on you computer, while you sit right there and help them do it. But it’s going on.
Be suspicious always. They ARE out to get you.
I didn’t record my call, but here’s an interesting Youtube description of how the call would proceed, IF YOU WERE TO BE SO GULLIBLE AS TO FALL FOR THIS.
For more information on this particular scam, see these reports:
- from Microsoft
- from Ars Technica
- and there are many more.
Be careful out there in the wild. It’s a scary world.